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Fantasy and other worlds

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  • Archetype, stereotype, prototype and other types

    08 August 2014

    There is often confusion between these categories. Some think they have produced a archetype (or even a prototype), while they have produced a stereotype. So, a little reminder: - An archetype is a character we find in one form or another in all cultures...

  • Fight/Combat scenes in Fantasy: some aspects

    08 August 2014

    First, some challenging problems: 1 – Big speeches: Have you ever seen people talking in a fight? Or better, listen to what they are told and answer appropriately? If they are soldiers, their leader will give them short orders. You can also have ritual...

  • Hidden Clichés in Fantasy- Part 1

    08 August 2014

    Some clichés are not perceived as such by authors and readers, but are just as clichés. In addition, if you feel obliged to use them, you deprive your story of many interesting developments. Women I am not going to talk about falsely « strong « women...

  • Assertive and Passive Characters in Fantasy

    07 August 2014

    The most common mistake when you read fantasy is to believe that a very physical hero, who is fighting, has charisma etc ... is an assertive character. For me, an assertive character is one who takes his/her decisions based on the situation and his/her...

  • Male and Female Fantasy Writing

    07 August 2014

    This subject has already been much discussed and not only in fantasy, so I can’t help to add my two cents! Fantasy novels written by women most often deal with relationships between members of the same family, neighbors or colleagues (even if they are...